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Yes Landron

Domaines Landron is located in La Haye Fouassière, in the Muscadet Sèvre et Maine appellation in the Loire Valley. In 1945, Pierre and Julien Landron , respectively father and uncle of Joseph (Jo) Landron, purchased land to clear. They planted vines there to create a three-hectare family farm. From 1950 to 1975, they transformed land not cultivated during the wars into vineyards. After developing the estate together for many years, Pierre and Julien Landron separated in 1967. From 1979, Jo Landron embarked on the adventure with his father and purchased new plots. In the early 1980s, they began selling directly to customers and exporting their wines abroad. When their vines were poisoned by a weedkiller, they decided to abandon the use of herbicides and began converting their 50-hectare vineyard to organic viticulture , certified in 2002. To go even further, the estate finally joined the movement biodynamics , already followed by other areas in France and abroad. Certification followed in 2011. A new awareness of the diversity of the subsoils of Domaines Landron then led to a new orientation towards the terroir . Now, the must from the different plots is fermented separately and the estate actively seeks to produce different styles of wine. As a result, Muscadets show different aging capabilities, individual complexity and unique mineral identities depending on the appearance, geological characteristics and yield profile of each parcel.

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