TWELVE - Aubrac Whiskey - Albariza #2 - 2022 - 53%
TW Spiritueux is located in Laguiole , in the commune of Aubrac in Aveyron . The company was created in 2014, by 12 friends who wanted to make whisky. They set up the brewery and the still in the old presbytery of the village: Le Presbytère des Anges, then transformed the former convent of Laguiole into an aging cellar. Being also rum lovers, they decided to highlight the assembly skills of their cellar master, Florent Caston, by creating their own range of rums.
Albariza is a blend from Pedro Ximénez Sherry casks , first second fill then first fill, from the prestigious González Byass bodega. This Single Malt was bottled by gravity, without filtration and without coloring on November 4, 2022, after a reduction of several months. 1,300 bottles were produced.