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Château Latour

Château Latour is one of the most famous wine producers in Bordeaux, and the world. It is located in the south-eastern corner of the commune of Pauillac on the border of Saint-Julien, in the Medoc region. Classified Premier Cru in the Bordeaux classification of 1855, it has become one of the most sought-after and expensive wines on the planet. The site has been occupied since 1331, with a fort and a garrison to guard the estuary. Several small farms began to cultivate vines and the wine from the site was recognised by Montaigne as early as the 16th century. The original tower no longer exists; the famous tower shown on the label was designed as a dovecote and built around 1620. The development of Latour as a unique property came with the start of a long uninterrupted period of connected family property, based around the name of Ségur, also associated with Mouton and Calon-Ségur. It began in 1670 and lasted 290 years although, after the French Revolution, Latour was divided and was not fully reunited until 1841. The castle is currently owned by François Pinault and is part of his Artemis Group. Typically for the region, Cabernet Sauvignon dominates in the vineyard, representing around 80% of the plantations. Most of the rest is Merlot, and there are also small amounts of Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. The Grand Vin comes only from the vineyard plots surrounding the castle and appearing on the 1759 plan of the estate. Latour produces two other wines: Les Forts de Latour and Pauillac de Latour, both from younger vines.

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