I research...

Angostura (Rum)

The story of Angostura begins in 1824, when Dr. Siegert wanted to perfect his recipe for his aromatic bitters in the town of Angostura in Venezuela. Angostura Bitters are a vital ingredient to make cocktails such as the Manhattan or Old Fashioned. In 1875, the company moved to Trinidad, where it still resides today. It is in the 1940s that Angostura began distilling their own Trinidadian rum, a range of which has featured both white and dark rums over the years.

ANGOSTURA - Bitter Orange - 10cl - 28%

ANGOSTURA - Bitter Orange - 10cl - 28%

ANGOSTURA - Cocoa Bitter - 10cl - 48%

ANGOSTURA - Cocoa Bitter - 10cl - 48%

ANGOSTURA - Aromatic Bitters Amer - 20cl - 44,7%

ANGOSTURA - Aromatic Bitters Amer - 20cl - 44,7%

ANGOSTURA - Liqueur - Amaro di Angostura - 35%

ANGOSTURA - Liqueur - Amaro di Angostura - 35%

ANGOSTURA - N°1 - 3ème édition - 40%

ANGOSTURA - N°1 - 3ème édition - 40%

ANGOSTURA - 1919 - 40%

ANGOSTURA - 1919 - 40%

ANGOSTURA - 1787 - 40%

ANGOSTURA - 1787 - 40%

ANGOSTURA - 1824 - 40%

ANGOSTURA - 1824 - 40%

 ANGOSTURA - 17 ans - Collection Private Bottling - 40%

ANGOSTURA - 17 ans - Collection Private Bottling - 40%

ANGOSTURA - 17 ans - Collection Private Bottling - 40%
Rum 70 cl (0.7L)

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