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The Sansonnière Farm (Mark Angeli)

La Ferme de la Sansonnière is located in Thouarcé, in Anjou in the Loire Valley . This old farm where vines, Brussels sprouts and gherkins were grown was taken over by Mark Angeli in 1989. Originally a mason, he trained at Château La Tour Blanche in Sauternes. Today, he and his son Martial farm 7.8 hectares of vines managed biodynamically since the 1990s. They also have a herd of Breton cows, a 3,000 m2 orchard and produce wheat. The farm uses electricity from solar panels, the tractor runs on sunflower oil. To make the wines, Mark and Martial Angeli harvest their grapes at optimum maturity and the vinifications are carried out with a minimum of intervention and inputs . The fermentations are long, and the wines are aged in different types of containers; amphorae, 500-litre oak barrels, used barrels.

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